
Dr. Robin Hills

Director -Ei4Change

“Transforming Lives Through the Power of Emotional Intelligence and leadership.”

Dr. Robin Hills

Few people understand the importance of emotional intelligence the way Robin Hills does. Being a Doctor of Advanced Studies in Psychology (honoris causa), and an emotional intelligence coach, trainer, and facilitator, his years of experience in this field have made him a resounding success as he propels his Ei4Change to make a positive impact on people's lives. 
Robin describes himself as calm and confident with a positive outlook. He is an empathetic communicator, team player and facilitative business leader who always does the job through diligence and resilience. He found his calling as a leader when he didn't have a positive role model, having worked for managers and leaders with poor leadership qualities. He mentions, "Through experiencing these, I understand the effect these can have on people, how I like to be managed and what works to increase motivation and performance."

Education and Career

He graduated with a degree in Biology from Durham University, after which he started my career as a medical representative selling pharmaceutical products to general practitioners and hospital doctors in London.
After a few years of job changes and redundancies, he decided to set up a business specialising in emotional intelligence. He focused on its application in the workplace. His venture, Ei4Change, has become established as an award-winning company recognised globally in the field of emotional intelligence and has grown through providing online training on the topic.

Illustrious Expertise

"Traditional education mainly focuses on cognitive skills involving logic and problem-solving. Emotional intelligence is an abstract set of skills encompassing a range of interpersonal and social skills that are difficult to define objectively. Many skills that contribute to emotional intelligence are learned implicitly through social interaction and observation, often requiring reflecting on past experiences and adapting approaches over time." says Robin. His company, Ei4Change, is one of the foremost authorities in making Emotional Intelligence practical and applicable, particularly within business settings. 
Through a vast library of books, podcasts, and online courses, these knowledgable tools aid every phase of a person's development of emotional intelligence at whatever stage they are at in their career or life. With over 50 online courses based on emotional intelligence, this is the most comprehensive range of emotional intelligence courses available online. More than 500,000 learners in 200+ countries have taken these online courses. They are specially filmed in 1080p HD and have crisp, quality audio with captions for people whose first language is not English and for the hard of hearing.  
All the documents can be completed online and are ADA / Section 508 compliant for people with visual impairments. All the quizzes are interactive. This means that the courses are inclusive and accessible to everyone. His courses appeal to anyone looking to develop leadership, teamwork, communication, collaboration, stress management, mindfulness, critical thinking, and decision-making skills.
He recalls a memorable client interaction that was impactful and successful. He says, "A recent client thought they had exceptional emotional intelligence skills, but the assessment showed this was false. They had low levels of emotional intelligence on every scale. This was difficult for them to understand and required a period of reflection and rumination. Eventually, they accepted that a lot of work needed to be done and that we were exploring several different avenues that we both found enlightening and valuable."


Robin is qualified as a British Psychological Society Test User Occupational Ability (Level A) and Occupational Personality (Level B) with the capability to apply trait, type and behavioural personality assessments in career counselling, performance coaching, training and team building. These help support self-awareness and indicate what people should focus on to improve their performance, interactions, and well-being. These include the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (Steps I and II), DISC, NEO and the EQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Inventory.
Robin stays updated by regularly reading publications and articles related to psychology and emotional intelligence, attending conferences, and networking extensively. He shares, "Online course creators are a great source of information to gain valuable insights, highlight trends, share ideas, and learn about new software systems that enable me to ensure that my courses are as up-to-date as possible."

Long Term Benefits

There are several benefits to exploring emotional intelligence, which he feels contributes to emotional strengths and weaknesses, empowering people to enhance their self-awareness, improve relationships, make informed decisions, and boost overall well-being.  He also feels that an extensive session with an appropriate assessment is compelling in supporting personal and professional growth.
Delivering a meaningful session on emotional intelligence involves challenges, including tailoring the session to a person's individual needs and learning styles and providing comprehensive insights without overwhelming clients. However, Robin feels it's also important to encourage action by helping clients translate their insights into practical behaviour changes.

Awards and Accolades

    • Robin has been bestowed with several accolades and awards, including:
    • Transformational Leaders of the Year by Exelon Magazine, 2023
    • Men Leaders to Look Up To by Passion Vista magazine, 2023 
    • Best Transformative Emotional Intelligence Coach of the Year 2024, by The CIO Today.
    • 10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Shaping The Modern Industry 2024, The Leaders Globe, 2024
    • The 5 Most Inspiring Leaders You Should Be Following, 2024, by The CIO Times, 2024
    • Most Admired Business Leaders to Follow 2024, by Fortunes Business Review, 2024


For Ei4Change

    • Best Emotional Intelligence Training Provider 2023 – UK, SME News Business Elite Awards, 2023
    • Impact Company of the Year award, by DotCom Magazine, 2023

Future Scope

Like all industries, Artificial Intelligence poses a challenge. But for Robin he views its power and integrates it seamlessly in a positive way. While it enables the delivery of personalised learning paths and provides immediate feedback, it lacks the human touch necessary for optimal engagement. This is where emotional intelligence comes in, making the learning more interactive, motivating, and ultimately more successful. He concludes by saying, “Also, learners know that they can interact with a human tutor at any time rather than being confined to a chatbox conversation that is limited by simple algorithms that cannot understand uncomplicated requests and nuances within questions."